After he said that, it started my thinking about his comments. I don't know about you and your situation, but I am home with my son and grandson to raise them, teach them things about life, and help mold them into decent, responsible human beings that will eventually contribute to society in big ways!
With all of my memories recently of MY grandmothers, I realized that they stopped and took time to play - play games, teach us crafts, teach us to cook, make root beer floats, etc. They didn't work the entire time we visited and spent the night with them. THEY TOOK TIME -- to love us, hold us, teach us things about life, and help to mold us into the adults we are today (the "we" is my brother, Stacy, and my sister, Billie, and myself).
I want to be the Mimi that Brayden tells cool stories about when he grows up. I want Connor and Stephanie to be able to say that I actually taught them something special!
So, last Thursday night, Brayden and I started making Christmas candy. You must know that he loves to scrapbook with "Mimi" and he also enjoys setting up the classroom for all of my classes. He is a great helper! I want to teach him some other fun things in his little life too. I know that all too soon he will be busy with sports, scouts, etc, and won't really care about such things.
We started off with simple candy and made "Rolo Cookies". They are really easy to make. Brayden unwrapped all the rolos and placed them on the pretzels. We asked Connor to help and he told us that he didn't want to do it until he saw how much fun we were having. Then he jumped right in and helped (he wouldn't let me take his picture!).
We baked them for 4 minutes at 350 degrees.
The final step is to add a pecan halve by gently pressing the pecan into the warm chocolate. Let cool and they
are ready to enjoy.
We also made Graham Cracker Toffee....thanks to Anna who gave us the recipe! It is a new favorite around our house. That was a little tricky because the caramel sauce has to be cooked on the stove top. I stood Brayden in a chair and he helped me stir the pot.
This is a photo of the toffee as it is cooling off. It is O-SO yummy! We took some of each kind of candy to the beauty shop (that Brayden's mommy works at) as a Christmas treat.
So, in closing, I am going to try to be better about building memories with both boys. If you are a busy mommy, be sure to hold and "play" with your kiddos! If you are a busy Mimi/Grandmother be sure to hold and "play" with your grand kids! They grow up too fast and then that time is gone. Enjoy them everyday!
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